Passionist Theologate

Jeevadhama is a study house for the Theology students of our Vice-Province. It is a fact that only a serious study of the scripture can efficaciously make one; a pastor of souls, a teacher of the faith and a living testimony of the Gospel message in the world today. Therefore, we encourage our students to apply to study with great dedication. 

Students pursue their studies in Kristu Jyoti College of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Community Life is an integral part of our religious life and so we come together for meals, morning and evening prayers, adoration and for the celebration of the Eucharist. Since Sports and recreation are essential elements in building up a healthy and happy religious we take special care to be in the field playing and in the recreation room. To maintain and foster fraternal relationships, the community comes together on a regular basis to discuss matters affecting life in common.


Our Team

Fr. Antony Chirammel C.P
Fr. Titus Chullikattu CP
Director Of Students
Fr. Binu Johnson C.P
Fr. John Varghese Thadathil C.P