about us

Our Leadership

The Vice Province Congress elects leaders once in four years.  The last Congress-2017 elected Very Rev. Fr. Paul Cherukoduth CP as our Vice Provincial Superior with four Consulters to assist him in the administration of THOM-Vice Province.

Thom Vice-province India

thom vice province_passionists

300 hundred years have passed since the death of St. Paul of the Cross, but his spiritual legacy remains vital. The whole universe and especially the human person are ultimately a work of Divine Love and the sufferings of Christ are the most convincing witness of God’s Love for us. This Cross centered spirituality gives a deep insight into the mystery of Christ’s Suffering and it aids us to bear our own pain and suffering; leaving Prayer, Solitude, Abstinence and fasting as our Uniqueness for daily living.



300 hundred years have passed since the death of St. Paul of the Cross, but his spiritual legacy remains vital. The whole universe and especially the human person are ultimately a work of Divine Love and the sufferings of Christ are the most convincing witness of God’s Love for us. This Cross centered spirituality gives a deep insight into the mystery of Christ’s Suffering and it aids us to bear our own pain and suffering; leaving Prayer, Solitude, Abstinence and fasting as our Uniqueness for daily living.

Saints & Beatified Passionists


300 hundred years have passed since the death of St. Paul of the Cross, but his spiritual legacy remains vital. The whole universe and especially the human person are ultimately a work of Divine Love and the sufferings of Christ are the most convincing witness of God’s Love for us. This Cross centered spirituality gives a deep insight into the mystery of Christ’s Suffering and it aids us to bear our own pain and suffering; leaving Prayer, Solitude, Abstinence and fasting as our Uniqueness for daily living.

About PASPAC Configuration


300 hundred years have passed since the death of St. Paul of the Cross, but his spiritual legacy remains vital. The whole universe and especially the human person are ultimately a work of Divine Love and the sufferings of Christ are the most convincing witness of God’s Love for us. This Cross centered spirituality gives a deep insight into the mystery of Christ’s Suffering and it aids us to bear our own pain and suffering; leaving Prayer, Solitude, Abstinence and fasting as our Uniqueness for daily living.


History Of The Passionists In India


Over 40 years ago, We, The Passionists came to India at the urge of St. Mother Theresa to preach the Passion of Jesus to the people of India. Frs. Philip Smith and Walter Kaelinwere the first missionaries who came to Cochin on 21 and 22 March 1981 respectively and were warmly received by the Bishop of Cochin. They called the first community Ashram J.X.P. blessed on 27 May 1981. Over the years it has grown to become a Vice-Province.


1984-Sep30-Celebrating Beatification Bl Isidore-with Mons Joseph Kalanthara-Ashram JXP-Kerala-India.


Feb 11-Blessing of new chapel at postulancy Ashram JXP-Cochin-Kerala-India.
Rev Fr. Chris Gibson CP and 2nd batch of postulants, who joined the Passionists-Cochin-Kerala-India


May12-Blessing of seminary: AshramJXP-Cochin-India


Rev Fr. Chris Gibson CP and 2nd batch of postulants, who joined the Passionists-Cochin-Kerala-India

Passionist Pioneer missionaries.

Second batch of the Passionists in India.

Passionist Missionaries

Deceased Passionists

FR. WALTER KAELIN CP (First Superior of the Passionist Mission in India)
FR. JOSEPH VAN LEEUWEN, C.P (Longest serving Passionist missionary to India)
FR. XAVIER VALIAPARAMBIL C. P (First Indigenous Passionist Priest in India)
FR. WALTER KAELIN CP (First Superior of the Passionist Mission in India)

Fr. Walter was born on December 11, 1916. He entered the Passionist order in the 1930s and was ordained in 1942. He served as provincial and top administrator of his Holy Cross Province in Chicago. In 1980, at the age of 64, Fr. Walter was sent to India to help found a mission. The mission seed that he planted today hasgrown into a Vice-Province. He passed away on the 18th of January 2005 in Houston. He is buried in the Passionist cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. He was certainly a witness to what a man of deep faith can do if he responds to God’s call.

FR. JOSEPH VAN LEEUWEN, C.P (Longest serving Passionist missionary to India)

Fr. Walter was born on December 11, 1916. He entered the Passionist order in the 1930s and was ordained in 1942. He served as provincial and top administrator of his Holy Cross Province in Chicago. In 1980, at the age of 64, Fr. Walter was sent to India to help found a mission. The mission seed that he planted today hasgrown into a Vice-Province. He passed away on the 18th of January 2005 in Houston. He is buried in the Passionist cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. He was certainly a witness to what a man of deep faith can do if he responds to God’s call.

FR. XAVIER VALIAPARAMBIL C. P (First Indigenous Passionist Priest in India)

Fr. Xavier Valiaparambil, fondly called VT, was born at Chellanam, in Kerala on November 29, 1959. He entered the Passionist community in the year 1981, finished his philosophical studies at Carmel Giri Seminary at Alwaye, Kerala and went to Itololo, Tanzania for his novitiate in 1986 and took his temporary vows as a Passionist in the year 1987. He went to Nairobi, Kenya to do his theological studies and was ordained to the Priesthood in Arusha, Tanzania in the year 1991. He shouldered many responsibilities in the Vice Province as Parish Priest and Local Superior, Novice Master and Councillor. Gave several years of his life as a missionary in Jamaica, West Indies and as a Judge in the marriage tribunal of the diocese of Cochin. He died on March 28, 2020 in Kochi.

Passionist Saints

ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS CP (1694-1775), Founder of the Congregation of the Passion
ST. VINCENT MARY STRAMBI CP (1745-1824), Priest and Bishop
ST. GEMMA GALGANI (1878-1903), Mystic and Lay Passionist
ST. MARIA GORETTI (1890-1902), Martyr.
ST. INNOCENT CANOURA ARNAU CP (1887-1934), Priest and Martyr in Spain
ST. CHARLES HOUBEN CP (1821-1893), Priest and Missionary in Ireland.
ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS CP (1694-1775), Founder of the Congregation of the Passion

Paul Francis Danei was born in Ovada, Italy on January 3, 1694. After a period of early life and search, in 1720 he took the religious habit devoting himself to asceticism and the apostolate. He was ordained a priest by Benedict XIII in 1727.A tireless apostle, he derived wisdom and strength from the meditation of Christ’s Passion for his life and apostolate. He is considered “one of the greatest spiritual directors of all time and is also considered “the greatest Mystic of the eighteenth century“.He died in Rome on 18 October 1775. He was recognised as a Saint by Pope Pius IX in 1867. His feast day is October 19.

ST. VINCENT MARY STRAMBI CP (1745-1824), Priest and Bishop


Vincentwas born in the city of Civitavecchia, north of Rome, on 1st January 1745. As a young priest, he entered the Passionist Congregation and was received by our Founder, Saint Paul of the Cross.The poor were his constant concern, he said always “I am their treasurer“. Vincent was one of the greatest missionaries of the century. He tirelessly devoted himself to promote Christian life among the people of his time. He was recognised as a “Saint” by Pope Pius XII in 1950. His feast day is September 24.


Francis Possenti was born at Assisi in the Umbria region of Italy in 1838.While very young, seemed to be strongly attracted to secular life. However, under the call of God’s grace, he entered the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ where he lived so crucified to the world and so intimately united to God that he became a model of all the virtues, especially humility and obedience. Moreover, he had a very great devotion to the Sorrowful Virgin who was, as it were, the whole reason for his holiness. He was canonised by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 and is the patron saint of youth and of seminarians. His feast day is February 27.

ST. GEMMA GALGANI (1878-1903), Mystic and Lay Passionist

Gemma was born in 1878 near Lucca, Italy.From her childhood, she dedicated herself to meditation on the Passion of Jesus Christ, leading an innocent life and longing ardently for heaven.She was orphaned and then charitably welcomed into the home of a deeply Christian family.Consecrating herself to God by a vow of virginity, she joyfully applied herself to pursue the way of perfection.She had a singular devotion toward the Eucharist and Jesus Crucified. Although her ardent desire to enter the Passionist Nuns was never realized because of various difficulties, she distinguished herself as an extraordinary exemplar of holiness in the midst of the world.Her feast day is May 14.

ST. MARIA GORETTI (1890-1902), Martyr.

Maria Goretti was born in Corinaldo, Italy on October 16, 1890, the eldest of five children of a family of farmers who for business reasons was forced to relocate to the area of FerriereConca in the Pontine Marshes, at Nettuno, Rome. Maria grew up loving virtue and with horror toward sin. She resisted sin even at the point of Martyrdom. The Shrine is entrusted to the pastoral ministry of the Passionists who prepared her for First Holy Communion and oversaw the process of her beatification and canonization.Her feast day is July 6.

ST. INNOCENT CANOURA ARNAU CP (1887-1934), Priest and Martyr in Spain

He was born on March 10th 1887. He was professed a Passionist on 27th July, 1905 and ordained priest on Sept 20th, 1913. Innocent was the first Passionist martyred prior to the 1936 Spanish Civil War. He was known for his pastoral zeal and love of Community. He was away from his Community celebrating the Eucharist and Confessions for a Community of De La Salle Brothers. They were all taken prisoner and he and the De La Salle Brothers, were executed together on Oct 9th, 1934. They were all canonised together by Pope John Paul II. His feast day is October 9.

ST. CHARLES HOUBEN CP (1821-1893), Priest and Missionary in Ireland.

Charles Houben was born in Belgium in 1821. He joined the Passionist Community at Ere in Belgium when he was 24. He arrived in Ireland in 1857, two years after his ordination. For almost 30 years he served the Irish people at Mt. Argus in Dublin. The great monastery chronicler records that great crowds came to him for spiritual direction and reconciliation at a rate of 300 a day. From every state in life they came to him seeking counsel, comfort, and the healing power of his blessing. He was thoroughly ecumenical in his witness to Christ. He died in 1893. His feast day is on January 5.

Passionist Blesseds

BL. ISIDORE DE LOOR CP (1881-1916), Brother
BL. DOMINIC BARBERI CP (1792-1849), Priest and Missionary to England.
BL. PIO CAMPIDELLI CP (1868-1889), Student
BL. BERNARD SILVESTRELLI CP (1831-1911), Priest and Superior General
BL. LAURENZO MARY SALVI CP (1782-1856), Priest
BL. NICEPHORUS TEJERINA CP (1893-1936), and the 25 Martyrs of Daimiel, Spain.
BL. GRIMOLADO SANTAMARIA CP (1883-1902), Student.
BL. EUGENE BOSSILKOV CP (1900-1952), Bishop and Martyr.
BL. ISIDORE DE LOOR CP (1881-1916), Brother

Isidore De Loor was born on 15 April 1881 in the Diocese of Gent (Belgium). He was an exemplary young man who was a diligent and beloved catechist in the local parish. At the age of 26 he entered the Passionist novitiate and professed religious vows as a Brother on 13 September 1903.Being Consumed by pleurisy and cancer, he endured his suffering as an opportunity to be conformed more and more fully to Jesus Crucified. He died on 6 October 1916 at the age of 35. Pope John Paul II declared him “Blessed” on 30 September 1984.

BL. DOMINIC BARBERI CP (1792-1849), Priest and Missionary to England.

Dominic was born in Viterbo, Italy in 1792. He entered the Passionists when he was 22 years. Gifted intellectually and spiritually, he became a teacher, preacher and spiritual director. Dominic was drawn particularly to work for Christian Unity among the English people. In 1842 he went to England where he was instrumental in the conversion of John Henry Newman, later a Saint Cardinal Newman and the leader of the Oxford movement. Another well-known convert of his was Ignatius Spencer, a forebear of the Princess of Wales. He died at Reading, England, August 27, 1849. His feast day is August 26.

BL. PIO CAMPIDELLI CP (1868-1889), Student

Pio Campidelli was born in Trebbio, near Rimini, Italy in 1868. He was a happy and hardworking youth when he joined the Passionists. His life in the Community was marked by his dedication to prayer and study. He shared his happiness of heart with everyone he met. He contracted tuberculosis and died on 2 November 1889, aged 21 years. He was declared “Blessed” by Pope John Paul II during the International Year of Youth, 1985. His feast day is November 3.

BL. BERNARD SILVESTRELLI CP (1831-1911), Priest and Superior General

Bernard was born in 1831, the son of a noble Roman family, distinguished for his humility as superior and his patience as teacher. His life was mostly spent in Formation of younger Passionists and in Community leadership, yet he still found time for apostolic preaching. He was elected Superior General five times. He was Superior General who sent the Passionists on Mission to Australia and New Zealand in 1887. He died in 1911. His feast day is on December 9.

BL. LAURENZO MARY SALVI CP (1782-1856), Priest

Lorenzo Maria Salvi was born in Rome on 30 October 1782. He made first profession as a Passionist on 20 November 1802 and entered the priesthood on 29 December 1805. His principle apostolate was that of an itinerant preacher and missionary, but he also gained the reputation of thewisest and admired superior for his aptitude to ably lead communities. He was steadfast in promoting prayerful devotion to the holy childhood of Jesus. He died in 1856 in and was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 1 October 1989.

BL. NICEPHORUS TEJERINA CP (1893-1936), and the 25 Martyrs of Daimiel, Spain.

On 24 July 1936, a group of armed men arrived at the Passionist monastery of Santo Cristo de la Luz in Daimiel, Spain. The members of the community were gathered for prayer; the superior of the community, Fr. Niceforo gave the community absolution and Holy Communion. The Passionists were ordered out of the church and led to the local cemetery under armed guard. Fr. Niceforo and others were shot dead and nine were mocked and stoned by crowds. They were “beatified” by

BL. GRIMOLADO SANTAMARIA CP (1883-1902), Student.

Ferdinando was born on 4 May 1883. He had expressed his inclinations towards the religious life from his childhood when he served as an altar server and was exposed to the Passionist charism; but he did not join until 1899 once his father approved of his dream and he professed in 1900. He then continued his studies but died from meningitis before he could achieve this dream of Priesthood. He died on 18 November 1902. John Paul II presided over his beatification in 1995.

BL. EUGENE BOSSILKOV CP (1900-1952), Bishop and Martyr.

Eugene was born in the 1900s in Bulgaria. At the age of fourteen, he began studies with the Passionists in Belgium and Holland. In 1926 he was ordained a Priest. He was admired as a gifted linguist and cultured scholar. In 1947 he was made Bishop of Nicopolis. The Bishop was deeply committed to the socio-cultural improvement of his country’s Catholics. This brought him into conflict with the Communists and later with the Stalinists. He was sentenced to death on 11 November 1952. Eugene was beatified in 1998. His feast day is November 11.

Passionist Venerables

VEN. JOHN BAPTIST DANEI CP (Brother of St Paul of the Cross)
VEN. IGNATIUS SPENCER CP (1799-1864), Anglican Convert and Missionary in England.
VEN. JOHN DE PICHARD CP (1830-1913), Priest and Missionary in Palestine.
VEN. FIDELIS KENT STONE CP (1840-1921), Anglican convert and missionary in USA.
VEN. GIUSEPPE MARIA PESCI CP (1853-1929), Priest.
VEN. NORBERTO CASSINELLI CP 1829 – 1911(Spiritual Director of St. Gabriel)
VEN. GERMANO RUOPPOLO CP 1850 – 1909 (Spiritual Director of St Gemma Galgani)
VEN. JOHN BAPTIST DANEI CP (Brother of St Paul of the Cross)

John Baptist of St Michael the Archangel was the brother and inseparable companion of St Paul of the Cross, was born in Ovada on April 4, 1695, they breathed the same family atmosphere, were constant companions, growing together in spirituality, praying together and doing penance together, almost as “one heart and one mind”, And they were ordained priests in the Vatican Basilica by Pope Benedict XIII. In July 1765 he developed a disease that lead to his death. He was declared “Venerable” on August 7, 1940 by Pope Pius XII. The feast day of Ven John Baptist Danei is August 30.

VEN. IGNATIUS SPENCER CP (1799-1864), Anglican Convert and Missionary in England.

Ignatius was the son of a noble English family. He became an Anglican priest before joining the Catholic Church in 1830. While studying for the Catholic priesthood in Rome, he met Fr Dominic Barberi CP, and later when Fr Dominic had brought the Passionists to England, he joined them. One of his accomplishments was the establishment of the “Crusade of Prayer for the Return of England to the Catholic Faith.” He is an ancestor of Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.

VEN. JOHN DE PICHARD CP (1830-1913), Priest and Missionary in Palestine.

John Charles de Pichard was a famous French lawyer from Bordeaux, who entered the Passionists in 1882 at the age of 52. He became an untiring apostle until his death in Palestine at the age of 83.

VEN. FIDELIS KENT STONE CP (1840-1921), Anglican convert and missionary in USA.

Fidelis was an Episcopalian (Anglican) priest in the USA, father of a family and president of a college. In 1869 he joined the Catholic Church and seven years later became a Passionist. He was distinguished for his tireless apostolic activity.


Bernard was a Polish Passionist who did all in his power to alleviate the hardships of his countrymen during the Second World War. He became famous for his efforts on behalf of those suffering from cold and hunger, sharing with them what little he had. His reputation for virtue still lives among the people.

VEN. GIUSEPPE MARIA PESCI CP (1853-1929), Priest.

Giuseppe Pesci was born 13 September 1853 in Filettino, Froscione, Italy, and died in Pontecorvo in 1929. He held many offices in the community. He is praised as follows: “He was outstanding for his untiring service to the Church and to the Congregation.”

VEN. NORBERTO CASSINELLI CP 1829 – 1911(Spiritual Director of St. Gabriel)

On 12th April 1829 he was bron near Genoa in Italy. The young man obviously had his whole life ahead of him, and with his lively intelligence, solid faith and obvious capability, he could have chosen any path that lay open to him. But he wanted something more; he wanted to do something concrete with his life. He gradually became aware that God was calling Him to serve Him at His altars. Norbert Cassinelli was the spiritual director of St. Gabriel. He was declared Venerable by Pope John Paul II.

VEN. GERMANO RUOPPOLO CP 1850 – 1909 (Spiritual Director of St Gemma Galgani)

He was born in Naples on January 17th, 1850. He was the spiritual director of St Gemma Galgani. After her death he wrote “The Life of St Gemma Galgani”, which is the foremost work on the life of St. Gemma. Father Germanus was a man of great learning and exemplary piety, and wrote on a wide variety of subjects, including Philosophy, Moral and Mystical Theology, Mathematics and Archeology. Father Germanus died suddenly of an apparent heart attack on December 11th, 1909 and he is entombed next to St. Gemma, Italy. Venerable Germanus Ruoppolo’s feast day is December 11.

Other Passionists Venerables

There are more venerable who lived their exemplary life as Passionist, as ardent followers of St. Paul of the Cross and great disciples Jesus in the Catholic Church. We would like to list them out:

  1. Giovanni Bruni CP -(1882 – 1897)
  2. Nazareno Santolini CP -(1859 – 1930)
  3. Giacomo Gianiel CP -(1714 – 1750)
  4. Gerardo Sagarduy CP -(1881 – 1962)
  5. Egidio Malacarne CP -(1877 – 1999)
  6. Francisco Gondra Muruaga CP -(1910 – 1974)
  7. Generoso Fontanarosa CP -(1881 – 1966)
Giovanni Bruni CP -(1882 – 1897)
Giovanni Bruni CP -(1882 – 1897)
Giacomo Gianiel CP -(1714 – 1750)
Giacomo Gianiel CP -(1714 – 1750)
Gerardo Sagarduy CP -(1881 – 1962)
Gerardo Sagarduy CP -(1881 – 1962)
Generoso Fontanarosa CP -(1881 – 1966)
Generoso Fontanarosa CP -(1881 – 1966)
Francisco Gondra Muruaga CP -(1910 – 1974)
Francisco Gondra Muruaga CP -(1910 – 1974)
Egidio Malacarne CP -(1877 – 1999)
Egidio Malacarne CP -(1877 – 1999)
Nazareno Santolini CP -(1859 – 1930)
Nazareno Santolini CP -(1859 – 1930)
